Within 30 Days of receiving your order, you can Return and/or Exchange any unwashed, unworn and/or unused item. All tags and packaging MUST still be on the product.
Shipping & Handling charges will only be reimbursed if an item was defective or shipped in error.INSTRUCTIONS: Simply indicate the Reason for the Return and/or Exchange on your Packing Slip (which was included in your shipment), Pack the items securely (including all product wrapping, boxes, tags, etc.), and then Ship the package back to us at the following address:
Q-sport Activewear
Returns Department
8705 East Ave.
Mentor, OH 44060
Any refunds or additional charges will go back onto the Account which you used for the original purchase.
Please Note:• If you are
Exchanging any items - there will be a Shipping & Handling charge to ship the new items back out to you.
The Minimum Charge will be
$7.95. Exchanges from $50 - $99 will be charged $8.95 Shipping, and exchanges over $100 will be charged $9.95 Shipping.
• There will be
Up To A 25% Re-Stocking Fee Deducted from your Return Credit if the merchandise is
not Shipped Back to our Address In Ohio Shown Above.
• Orders that are Returned After 30 Days will be charged a
10% Re-Stocking Fee,
and Orders that are Returned After 60 Days will be charged a
25% Re-Stocking Fee.
• Orders that are Returned with Over $150.00 in value may be
Charged a 20% Re-Stocking Fee (even if returned within 30 Days).
So, if you are placing a very large order and wanting to Re-Sell our merchandise at your event, etc. - but then you'll want to return what you don't sell back to us... then Please See our
FUNDRAISING PAGE for more details on how that program works.
Contact Us Immediately if you receive a shipment with merchandise that was damaged, or if you received the wrong items.
We will correct the problem immediately.